Saturday, April 23, 2011

Aram from Babylon

The People of Abraham (Israelites) are from Mitanni (Babylon).
The Egyptian word for Babylonians was Aram. Abraham said his name was changed once.
The Mitanni Empire, as shown in the letters sent from Pharaoh to Mitanni, fell during the reign of Akhenaton, during which time Monotheism was introduced to Egypt.
The Israelites/Tribe of Abraham addressed their one god as Lord God, which has the same meaning as "Bel" in Babylonian; as in Bel Marduk (Lord God Marduk).
The people of Babylon acquired a law code from Bel Marduk, written by Hammurapi the conqueror of Babylon, the world's first complete written law code. Moses acquired his laws from his Lord God. The Garden of Eden was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.
The Great Flood is in the Babylonian legend of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
People often migrate when their home land is destroyed; so too did the "outcasts of Babylon land in Egypt." The word Hebrew comes from the Egyptian word Habiru, meaning "outcast or wanderer or refugee."

Copyright 2011 Michael J. Costa, Archaeologist.

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