Sunday, April 17, 2011

words of Maat

Confession of Ma’at:
M7 2010.

1. I have not done falsehood.
2. I have not robbed anyone.
3. I have not stolen items.
4. I have not killed except for a just cause.
5. I have not destroyed Temple offerings.
6. I have not stolen Temple offerings.
7. I have not lied in the God’s presence.
8. I have not stolen food from people.
9. I have not killed a sacred animal.
10. I have not trespassed.
11. I have not lied under oath in a Court of Ma’at.
12. I have not eavesdropped.
13. I have not gossiped.
14. I have not disputed against another’s property.
15. I have not stopped my ears to truth.
16. I have not committed sexual crimes.
17. I have not terrorized.
18. I have not committed violent acts.
19. I have not copulated with a child.
20. I have not been impatient.
21. I have not blotted out a holy image.
22. I have not disturbed the peace.
23. I have not transgressed against another’s lands.
24. I have not committed blasphemy against my God.
25. I have not desecrated a Temple.
26. I have not vandalized a Temple or Palace.
27. I have not set fire to any building.
28. I have not done iniquity.
29. I have not spoken in a loud voice.
30. I have not used magic against Pharaoh.
31. I have not angered my God.
32. I have not been ungenerous.
33. I have not gauged prices in the markets.
34. I have not neglected the elderly.
35. I have done no evil.
36. I have not spoken evil.
37. I have not stolen foodstuffs.
38. I have not misbehaved in the presence of children.
39. I have not been drunk without good reason.
40. I have not sworn / used profanity.
41. I have not embezzled funds.
42. I have not been hostile towards those who mean well in their intentions.


The 42 Confessions of Ma'at represent the 42 Nomes (Provinces)
of Ancient Egypt. Each Nomarch (Governor or Consul) supervised
each Law, and helped with the Spiritual Judgment
conducted by Anubis in the presence of Osiris.

M7 2011.

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