Saturday, April 23, 2011

replace failing US Currency...

Abandon the Dollar to solve America's debts

There are 2 factors to consider:

1. It is just paper. The United Nations chose to 'forgive the debts' of developing countries in
Africa, wiping out their debt. Why borrow someone else's paper to pay for USA's paper money Debt?
2. Stop using the Old Dollar and make a New Dollar. Mexico did this with the Peso and New Peso.
And Stop "borrowing" against an idea.

M7C 2011

Social Security - solution

1. Legalize Gambling in all 50 states and create Casinos in non-profit hotels,
a large % of profits to go to Social Security.
2. This is instead of using the Stock Market to pay for SS; as Stocks are a form of gambling and is legal in all 50 States anyway.
3. End Taxes to SS in income tax forms.

MC 2011

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