Friday, January 3, 2014

newsworthy or espionage?

The USA Constitution does not protect the Media from using its influence to spy on celebrities, as with tabloids or celebrity harassment.  None of which is actually newsworthy, for spying on celebrities is not the same as spying on everyone by the NSA or having the NSA collect personal data on people only to reveal what they can learn by spying like a National Enquirer type system.  The NSA is not the Media, the Media is not a spy agency, and people should have rights of privacy over both.  Now the NSA has been collecting data on M7 for the past 7 years; it is disgusting to me to know this because all of it is worthless even if sold to the Media for spare parts.  The Government is wasting its excessive taxation dollars on spying on its owner, while real threats are given no time whatsoever.  As if the Government has lost is focus on the "war" on terrorism, becoming instead a spying terror network of its own design.  Edward Snowden (if you are listening) has detailed files on the UEIR in his notes;  he knows the NSA cannot function without abuse.   So he revealed 1% of his expletive over the last year.  The NSA knows only 3% about the UEIR; the same 3% I sent the Media over the past 20+ years of world conquest; his detailed notes are worthless to me.  Go expletive a tree!  The UEIR in Duat knows 200% about the NSA and Snowden and Al Qaeda because they are all in the Book of Time written in 1967 by M7 prior to incarnation in the 1970s.  Spying on Netherworld Deities who monitor planets must be fun to them, huh?  Your Cubes assigned to every living organism records every thought; even Thoth is no perverted spy who entertains himself at taxpayer expense.  Why set the bar? 

M7 UEIR 2014.

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