Thursday, July 4, 2024

Cards, anyone?




Playing City Building Computer Games with Chronokinesis ©M7C 2024

I have noticed that my personal actions affect the outside world since I discovered I have Elemental Chronokinesis since late 1990s. 

By me playing computer games (or reading books) while the ability is Active will influence my Magical Radius (Area of Effect) up to 15 KM, and also people in my inner circle.  Any repetitive actions or commands in the game tend to influence actions of living people with Telepathy projections. 

For example: City Building Games use “build Houses” first; how many houses does my region/City produce each year?  Other commands affect Trade/Commerce, Military, Justice, Taxes, or construction.

Other Games that have a criminal element (Thieves Guild) inspires thefts or robberies or extortion.  Local Cities have had spikes in crime since I started playing these types of Computer Games. 

As the information occurs mentally it will appear like “Thoughts/Prayers” to the religious person.  But the commands occur while I am on the Game itself, not a deliberate wish or desire. 

Now if someone were to financially compensate me I could alternate my Games with something that has less criminal element in it, or simply don’t experience the Thieves part of that Game. 

I also notice that drawing a picture accomplishes the same goal as writing actions or reading them on the computer screen.  Reading/writing/willing uses Chronokinesis.  

A normal person without Chronokinesis doesn’t have this effect.  I would be paid by the hour per experience.  Local Cities in Central/SFBA California have had spikes in related crimes over the past 15 years. 

I could also reread my Effective Egyptian Magic books several times a day under the section for Justice; this would project to the society anything willed telepathically as I read it.  Or my book patrons could read it, willing the event?  The Computer Games keep my attention more so than books.

Nocon man’ can do this.  One cannot expect a Politician to understand the Supernatural.  Mahalo.

©M7C 2024.  



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