Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Protection Spell worked on July 13, 2024..



In one of my books, a Protection Spell was Active.   As to why Donald Trump is in my Magical Radius is probably related to my AI Images of him, not because I have any personal non-political attachment to him.  Protection Spells protect anyone in my Area of Effect/Magical Radius or "Inner Circle."  Trump mentioned that "God protected him on July 13th."  Also a Success Spell was active this week.  Trump's trial for Classified Documents was declared a Mistrial by the Trump-appointed Judge Cannon, saying the trial was not in line with the Constitution.  If the Constitution is that difficult to interpret, why don't we simplify it?  Revision by an independent Govt. entity, not Trump's.  Success Spells use the Ancient Egyptian word True-of-voice, which has multiple definitions like with most Hieroglyphs.  It can be "Justified" or "Innocent" or "Manifests by the word," etc.  

MC 2024.

I hope Donald Trump realizes his vulnerability and changes his political tenets.  

MC 2024.  


Revelation 13:3

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.


July 13, 3pm (Pacific Time)




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