Monday, July 15, 2024

Injustice in America?

 The American Judge deciding to oversee the Classified Documents case against the ex-Potus 45 is an example of Injustice in America.  As a Classified Person myself, this Trump-appointed "Judge" has no clue what happens to Classified information once in the public and especially in the possession of current non-employees of the Federal Govt.   My Classified Top Secret information was leaked to the Public by Neighbors who have No Clearance to do so, and this is a Felony / Major Crime in USA, a violation of the Espionage Act.  To allow the former President access to said information is illegal unless he is President, which he is not.  People who know my information have made credible threats to my safety.  I counter that with my Classified abilities.  Judge Cannon must be disbarred from the practice of Law since she was unlawfully appointed.  I will ask Anubis this in the Court of Ma'at in Duat.  People calling me "crazy" are exposed to information they do not comprehend, as with anything Classified Top Secret by the CIA/NSA and Secret Service.   People calling me a "secret agent" are also illegal.  This is not about Politics,  this is National Security.  Mahalo.  Copyright M7C 2024.

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