Thursday, July 18, 2024

On Hypnosis...




Hypnosis in Magic ©M7C 2024


When Human people go to school, they are educated with information.  Humans think by association of words with information.  The keyword will associate all the information programmed into the individual.  When the keyword is written or spoken, it acts like a Hypnotic Agent and the information that was programmed into the person is instantly remembered and acted upon. 

If you know what a Frog is, and the behavior of a Frog, you will behave like a Frog when the keyword is spoken following indoctrination of the information (in passive form).  The Stage Magician takes over the person by accessing their core programming.  The Stage Magician will control the person briefly and return them to normal without any memory of the event.  The Keyword is the Magic Word.  The programmed information is the religious book, and the keyword is the Magic Spell that acts upon that lore.  The USA Army and the Islamic State both use Hypnosis to control their soldiers.  The USA Army first breaks the will of their soldiers with “Boot Camp” so they will not resist instruction.  The Islamic State uses the Quran as information programming, with Keywords associated with their training to activate a sequence of actions.  The Keywords could be coded religious words found in Islam. 

The information usually is repeated prior to the keyword’s utterance.  A line from the Bible linked to a mass shooting or bombing or other action.   The religious priest just quotes the Bible or other book to activate the “soldiers” or “lone actors.” 

Spirit Possession is not Hypnosis.  This is when a person’s consciousness is distracted and an outside being enters their body and takes over.  People who are Mass-hypnotized will behave like they’re possessed but this can end by turning off all surrounding social media or televisions or radios.  Actual Possession doesn’t care about words.  Doors do not open themselves.  A wandering Ka Spirit is common for Spirit Possession since most people stopped the belief in Spirits when they negated religion.  If a person’s Ka is displaced (no funeral for example) it will haunt the last place of residence.  It can talk and be heard; however Medical people do not accept the reality of this, so they will medicate whoever talks about it.  Most wandering Ka Spirits can enter into people and behave like their original body; this is not actual Reincarnation of the Soul, rather it is partial Reincarnation.  Many people believe they are King Tutankhamon reborn as his Ka wandered about since 1922.  Only one is the real reincarnate (M7) of his Soul/Akh.  The same is with other notable historical personalities.  

©M7C 2024.  




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