Thursday, September 19, 2024

reality or fiction?





Is it real or fiction? © M7C 2024

For some of my readers there is a bit of confusion regarding my first published novel that has been circulating for decades now.  Eye of the Pharaoh was my first attempt at a novel; mostly it is narration in First Person view.  This means the main character, not the Author, is talking.  The book was Science Fiction in 1990.   It is Autobiographical Fiction also as my real Autobiography served as a Security Feature in case it was ever stolen I would be able to identify myself as the Author.  Tutankhamon was a real King and my past life remembered after 1975.  Any event occurring after 1990 (The Present Time, Chapter 18) did not happen when the book was completed in March 14, 1990.   There was a scheduled Solar Eclipse in 1991.  The real War on Islamic/Arabic Terrorism did happen in 1997-2001.  This was after my book was already in circulation.   There is a war between Iran, Russia and USA today.  That was in Chapter 21 WW3.  The Apocalypse did happen after 2020 (Chapter 22) with the Pandemic and related events. 

There is no Palace in Egypt/Sudan Border.  I don’t own a 7-sided Prism / Pyramid tomb in Egypt.  There is no MC Futura Mansion in the Hawaiian Islands.  That is all in Chapter 21.  The Palestinian Neighbors in Chapter 18 are true to their word and still seek to lawsuit the Author after discovering “secret real estate” that the CIA said I own.  This is the same CIA that classified the Author top secret because they believe him to be God, which came from reading the narration of the book.   I do not believe in Monotheism.  I am not a Monotheist.  I cannot be their God.  I am supernatural (Elemental Chronokinesis & Telepathy) and according to a Dictionary this means I am a God, just not the one people worship.  The book would have to be my religion then.  The “secret real estate” included the Fictional Pyramid and Palace in Chapter 21.  CIA cannot be trusted for accuracy.  The Palestinians said they bribed the CIA with money for the information, spending like $300,000 on “Secrets.”  They could have just asked me for free.  Their lawsuit is baseless lies.  Of course in my book “Israel joins my country” (the Egyptian Empire that conquers the Middle East) and this includes Palestine (as in the current War there).  Someone said I “own Jerusalem” that I “purchased for $30 Billion USD.”  The mythical money is part of my CIA Classification.  I have yet to see if this is real. 

©M7C 2024.




Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Worth sleeping over...




Accessing: The Kingdom of Akua-Niihau ©2024 M7C

You may have noticed the Flag to the Kingdom of Niihau recently?  It has an “X” of 2 scepters crossed on a background of red and white.  The Red is the red mud of Kauai Island.  The White is the white sands of Niihau Island.  The “X” is the scepters of Lord Osiris, the King of Heaven (PT) and Judge of the Dead; in fact “X” is universal for death.  The Kingdom of Niihau (or Akua-Niihau) represents the Kingdom of Heaven in a higher dimension, with replicas of Earth and other inhabitable Planets.  The only way to access the Kingdom currently is via Sleep or Astral Projection during Sleep.  Your soul must meet our strict Morality Laws or you won’t go far.  Only Citizens who uphold Ma’at can enter. 

The Kingdom is a vast, cultured Nation.   There is no crime or pollution.  The Economy is productive and most things are free to acquire if needed.  The Government is distant or not noticeable.  Akhu (Angels, Akua) are its Police and Military forces, who visit Earth as Protectors.  Angels are recruited from Earth by selection, only the best quality people are selected for service.  The Earthly version of the Kingdom is destined to be a Second Hawaiian Kingdom on reservation land.  This hasn’t happened yet due to USA Govt. red tape and its classification status. 

Aloha ©M7C 2024


Sunday, September 15, 2024

About Clairaudience...




About Clairaudience: What people are hearing ©M7C 2024


The rare Psychic Ability called Clairaudience or “Clear Hearing” enables the person to hear external “Voices” of entities.  Scientists have stopped the belief in Spirits and have called Psychic abilities “Mental Illness” without evidence.  They have also called “Gender Identity issues” as Mental Illness.  People without Clairaudience are called “Sane” without evidence.  

Psychic abilities are Genetic and are a form of Evolution.   Some Mental Illnesses are also Genetic, and run in families from Ireland, Italy or the Middle East.  Notable Psychics with Clairaudience include Joan of Arc and Joshua Christ. 

Spirits are the remnant of a person after s/he dies.  The Spirit can ascend to Heaven/Duat or descend to Aset Tchabet/Hell after death, or sometimes remain on Earth if they don’t know where to go.  These Earth-bound Spirits are called Ghosts, or Poltergeists, or Displaced Ka Spirits.  They inhabit a residence or building from their life, as in their house on Earth or other place sacred to them.  They can also bother the Living and especially do so to people that are sensitive to Spirits (the Mentally Ill).  

Spirits can be positive or negative in attrition.  Evil Spirits are those who want mischief as revenge against the Living for being damned or losing their Afterlife.  They tell the Living to harm themselves or others.  Evil Spirits or Demons can enter people and control them into causing negative actions and later jump out of the body so the Police can arrest the person.  Good Spirits or Angels are protective of the Living, and both kinds of Spirits can interact erotically with the Living.  Angels can be summoned to Earth by a qualified Lector / KheriHeb Priest.  Evil Spirits are useful in attraction of wealth or money.  They also form into Armies for creating Riots or Wars.  Spirits or the consciousnesses of other people are called “Voices” in Psychiatry.  Spirits are usually invisible in White Light until they materialize in a dark room.  They have no reflection.  They can move objects, open doors, lift people, or attack people.  Because they are colorless in direct light, Doctors call them “Voices” as if they are Hallucinations, which can be accessed with certain street drugs.  Drugs are often found in Native American rituals to access the Spirit World.  This places a person in the State of Mind needed to access Spirits or the Psychic Ability of Clairaudience.  Clairaudience can be used with Telepathy to project thoughts in an audio form (Audio Telepathy/M7). 

©M7C 2024.  



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Remember: The Mummy of Userkat (series)...


 For $14, & $20 USD on Amazon KDP. 

 The Mummy of Userkat
A.I. HM-Comics, Books 2 & 3
by: Horus Michael, Copyright ©® 2024, All rights reserved.  

Illustrations by:
Michael J. Costa © MJC 2024 CE.  
Egyptian Font is by Inscribe2004.  

Genre: (Fiction) Action/Adventure/Graphic Novels/Comic Books.  

Series: Books 2 & 3

"Princess Userkat was bitten by a now-extinct species of Green Scarab Beetle and that causes automatic cell regeneration and DNA patching, so that she will never die.  She was condemned to dwell in her underground tomb situated between 2 imposing Pyramids. Userkat sleeps in tombs like a Vampire, but does not require anything to maintain her immortality.  She will awaken to Sunlight, and feel tired in Darkness.  As a Marksman and Expert in many Martial Arts, Userkat can take care of herself.  She is not cursed by Magic.  If seriously injured, her blood cells regenerate after a few days of rest.  Her name may be forgotten but she has the future to leave her mark upon…"

"In Books 2 & 3, Princess Userkat and her Immortal companion Joshua acquire the Museum housing their tomb's exhibit with the money from Billionaire Neuro-Physicist, Dr. Max Sharpe of Alexandria, Egypt.  Dr. Sharpe is researching Userkat's blood samples containing the Green Emerald Scarab virus, that caused their Immortality, for curing diseases like Cancer.  The same blood can be misused for temporary animation of the dead or making clones of the Princess."

About the Author:

Horus Michael is an Author of 170+ books, a KheriHeb Priest & Pharaoh, the Founder of the Kingdom of Ni’ihau (originally a Micronation), a Computer-Game Modder, and an Archaeologist.  He currently lives in California, USA.  Copyright ©2024 M.J. Costa.  All Rights Reserved.  

ISBN: 9798336471274
Imprint: Independently published

 The Comic books series I started is "The Mummy of Userkat"  

 The main character is an Ancient Egyptian Princess from the Old Kingdom era (Pyramid Age), who is bitten by a rare Emerald Scarab beetle and the virus from it renders her Immortal.  The virus does something to her DNA enabling this ability, so that she will never die.  Her friend is a tomb-thief and he chooses to be bitten by the Scarab on purpose so as to join Princess Userkat into Eternity.  Sunlight awakens them and lack of light in any form causes a deep sleep.  

They awaken in 1990s when Userkat's tomb is opened at Giza, Egypt.  There is an enemy called the Cult of Seth, and they are in Sinai Desert.  The Cult of Seth controls the weather and earthquakes using Magic.  

The series is currently 3 books, with one volume containing 2 books.  I employ AI Graphics.  I tell the computer what to draw and it comes back with a selection.  

- Copyright Mike Costa/Horus Michael, 2024.



MC 2024. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Heka Day (Magical Holiday):




Every Friday 13 is Heka Day! ©M7C 2024

Heka Day is the Celebration of Magic Holiday.  To celebrate it, hold a silk pouch or other form of bag, and place pieces of paper in it that have separate Magic Spells written on them, and go around and ask people to reach into the bag and pull out one Free Spell for them to read on that day.  This is completely random. 

Other ways to celebrate: burn fragrant incense outside, or feed stray animals (Cats especially) with pet food and clean water.

Heka is the Ancient Egyptian word for Magic (also a Deity name), and Cats have been associated with Magic through Ancient Egyptian religion, especially Black Cats. 

Magic Spells for Pouch:


For prosperity or to attract Wealth:



For attracting Followers, or Friends:



For causing Peace or an end to arguments and fighting:



For Success in any exam, procedure, contest, etc.:



For attracting Food and Drink:



©M7C 2024.