Sunday, September 15, 2024

About Clairaudience...




About Clairaudience: What people are hearing ©M7C 2024


The rare Psychic Ability called Clairaudience or “Clear Hearing” enables the person to hear external “Voices” of entities.  Scientists have stopped the belief in Spirits and have called Psychic abilities “Mental Illness” without evidence.  They have also called “Gender Identity issues” as Mental Illness.  People without Clairaudience are called “Sane” without evidence.  

Psychic abilities are Genetic and are a form of Evolution.   Some Mental Illnesses are also Genetic, and run in families from Ireland, Italy or the Middle East.  Notable Psychics with Clairaudience include Joan of Arc and Joshua Christ. 

Spirits are the remnant of a person after s/he dies.  The Spirit can ascend to Heaven/Duat or descend to Aset Tchabet/Hell after death, or sometimes remain on Earth if they don’t know where to go.  These Earth-bound Spirits are called Ghosts, or Poltergeists, or Displaced Ka Spirits.  They inhabit a residence or building from their life, as in their house on Earth or other place sacred to them.  They can also bother the Living and especially do so to people that are sensitive to Spirits (the Mentally Ill).  

Spirits can be positive or negative in attrition.  Evil Spirits are those who want mischief as revenge against the Living for being damned or losing their Afterlife.  They tell the Living to harm themselves or others.  Evil Spirits or Demons can enter people and control them into causing negative actions and later jump out of the body so the Police can arrest the person.  Good Spirits or Angels are protective of the Living, and both kinds of Spirits can interact erotically with the Living.  Angels can be summoned to Earth by a qualified Lector / KheriHeb Priest.  Evil Spirits are useful in attraction of wealth or money.  They also form into Armies for creating Riots or Wars.  Spirits or the consciousnesses of other people are called “Voices” in Psychiatry.  Spirits are usually invisible in White Light until they materialize in a dark room.  They have no reflection.  They can move objects, open doors, lift people, or attack people.  Because they are colorless in direct light, Doctors call them “Voices” as if they are Hallucinations, which can be accessed with certain street drugs.  Drugs are often found in Native American rituals to access the Spirit World.  This places a person in the State of Mind needed to access Spirits or the Psychic Ability of Clairaudience.  Clairaudience can be used with Telepathy to project thoughts in an audio form (Audio Telepathy/M7). 

©M7C 2024.  



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