Saturday, September 7, 2024

Problems with Project 2025...




Some Problems with Project 2025:

©M7C 2024

Project 2025 (written by pro-Trump people) will gut the Department of Education and Ban Books (Censorship).  How will this act make America Great again? If people are all stupid because they are not educated and cannot read, what good is this proposal?  I expect that with the Nazi Germany regime in World War 2 when they burnt books. 

Commodity Money or currency backed by gold or other resource is something I was thinking about years ago.  They proposed making a One Dollar bill worth 1/2000 an ounce of gold, then worth $80 each.  Will this compel everyone to sell their One Dollar bills for $80 each?  The 2000 was the value of gold at the time of the proposal for Project 2025.  It is currently valued at around $2400+ per ounce or higher.  You would need a separate currency for that, one valued in gold and one valued in Dollars. 

NOAA would be scrapped under this proposal, allowing storms and hurricanes and other forms of Climate Change to go unnoticed so cities will be destroyed.  This will make America great again as a target for God. 

Oil will be exploited in USA.  They don’t care about pollution or Climate Change either.  They only care about cars that run on gasoline not electric vehicles.   This is all for profit. 

Faith-based groups will be allowed to determine health care options.  Also Disabled People will be forced to work in order to receive Disability benefits.  Some of us can’t work due to severe conditions (Physical or Mental).

Lots of anti-China is in Project 2025.  This includes Trade Tariffs that will affect primarily USA Citizens.  They want only “Made in the USA” companies.  Anything overseas is either banned, taxed or subjected to tariffs.  Who is going to build anything in USA with these proposals?  Will this affect only Artificial Intelligence as workers?  

Social Security is rewritten as a private Savings Account with a maximum of $15,000 per Citizen from their taxes.  Why is it only $15k?  Is that per year or total? 

They should rewrite this before forcing it onto the American People. 

©M7C 2024



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