Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Worth sleeping over...




Accessing: The Kingdom of Akua-Niihau ©2024 M7C

You may have noticed the Flag to the Kingdom of Niihau recently?  It has an “X” of 2 scepters crossed on a background of red and white.  The Red is the red mud of Kauai Island.  The White is the white sands of Niihau Island.  The “X” is the scepters of Lord Osiris, the King of Heaven (PT) and Judge of the Dead; in fact “X” is universal for death.  The Kingdom of Niihau (or Akua-Niihau) represents the Kingdom of Heaven in a higher dimension, with replicas of Earth and other inhabitable Planets.  The only way to access the Kingdom currently is via Sleep or Astral Projection during Sleep.  Your soul must meet our strict Morality Laws or you won’t go far.  Only Citizens who uphold Ma’at can enter. 

The Kingdom is a vast, cultured Nation.   There is no crime or pollution.  The Economy is productive and most things are free to acquire if needed.  The Government is distant or not noticeable.  Akhu (Angels, Akua) are its Police and Military forces, who visit Earth as Protectors.  Angels are recruited from Earth by selection, only the best quality people are selected for service.  The Earthly version of the Kingdom is destined to be a Second Hawaiian Kingdom on reservation land.  This hasn’t happened yet due to USA Govt. red tape and its classification status. 

Aloha ©M7C 2024


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