Sunday, July 2, 2017

Evidence of Prophecy

Excerpts from Chapter 20-22 of Eye of the Pharaoh, Copyright: 1990-1995 M.J. Costa:
(The formation of the Islamic-State/Caliphate):
    I had a different idea in mind.  I had a plan which would unite all the "terrorist nations" and Arab countries into one empire.  That way, the individual terrorists will not be able to ruin the world without consent of the emperor.  The funds that would contribute to this plan will come from those countries in the past who had an illegal hold over Egypt as well as the ancient part of the country.  One of those nations is, no doubt, Britain.  When my tomb was discovered, Britain paid for the excavation and hoped to claim what is mine for their private usage.  I will not allow future lands to perform this illegal action again.


(Syria's Chemical Weapons):

   The President had a worried look on his face when he turned to me from a row of windows.  He briefly informed me that the nations of Syria and Libya were slowly amassing weapons of various character, some were chemical and some were traditional. 


(The conquest of the Islamic-State/Caliphate and the formation of the UEIR):

   Over the next month, the nations of Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Turkey (where Hittites used to be),  Lebanon and Jordan succumbed to the power of the ancients under my declaration.  The nations of Israel and Sudan were united with Egypt by their own accord.  Saudi Arabia took no part in this activity, however. 
    I ordered that all conquered lands be united with Egypt to form an empire.  This empire was labeled "The United Egyptian Imperial-Republic," and the national flag was composed of many smaller sections, each of which constituted the original nation's flag.  Egypt's flag was once again green with a crescent moon and three stars, with the added insignia of ancient Egypt: the scepter of Ptah encircled by waves of fire and water.  The scepter emerged from a blue Lotus flower, and above was seven four-pointed stars. 
    The manner of government is the following: ministers are over each section or city, Prime ministers over each ten ministers.  Vice-presidents control each former country, while four "pharaohs" control four combined regions with a vice-emperor for every two pharaohs.  At the apex is the Supreme Pharaoh or emperor of the entire realm.  The emperor will be chosen by a two-thirds vote of a congress of ten representatives.  The emperor will appoint each vice-emperor.  Each pharaoh will be elected by a secret ballot by the Prime ministers who in turn are elected by the ministers.  The ministers are thus chosen directly from the people, as are the ten selected representatives.  Well, something like that.


(Chapter 21: WW3 - My presence in Hawaii):

    Aside from my glorious inventions, I resided at a tropical home among the Hawaiian Islands.  This home, formerly known as the "M.C. Futura Mansion", named because of the built-in garage and runway installed alongside one facing of the house, is very complex although I designed the general floorplans while in High School.  There are five levels in all, two of which are underground.  There is also a Diamond glass dome over the entire estate, just in case of World War III. 


    Down to where the first level of the basement there is:  a library with hidden door leading to a storage deposit, a secret jail along a secret elevator leading from the master bedroom.  Also, there are: a bedroom and bath, a secret passage leading to a "tomb" beneath the pyramid.


(M7's Pyramid & Temple):
       Other than the estate there are two other residences which I designed.  One is a circular step-pyramid located in South America near Peru.  It is used as a secondary tomb and it contains many rooms, most of which contain statues, possessions, and temple furnishings.  This tomb is covered by a Diamond glass dome and contains all the once revived souls returned to their Earthly embodiments, or mummies, and are preserved in sarcophagi throughout the tomb.  All of the mummies that were used to form the Egyptian empire, and therefore nearly all of the mummified Egyptians of the world, are resting in this palace of eternity.  The tomb has seven levels and is energized by solar panels.  Outside the tomb are statues and sundials. 
    The second tomb built in my honor is located near Luxor, Egypt.  This tomb is made of granite and limestone blocks covered with green diorite plates sealed with gold.  The overall shape is that of a seven-sided prism, rather than the traditional pyramid.  The walls are etched by lasers to draw the hieroglyphs necessary for a tomb to be complete.  Outside the prism tomb complex are two circular step-pyramids used as storage bins.  Both are energized by solar cells, and contain similar items as that of the original in South America.  There are seven smaller pyramids of circle design encircling the prism, and each has a mirror directed towards the top of the prism where light is collected and used as energy. 

(World War 3 with USSR/USA/Iran):
     One year has passed since my inventions held a firm grip on the world's industry and technical age.  The nation of Iran recently broke free from the empire of Egypt once it acquired a substantial amount of nuclear weapons.  The thought of that didn't seem to matter, although Iran directed its interest to the USSR rather than other countries of the world.  Iran seemed to take the path of Libya when it acquired nuclear warheads from Russia.  Soon enough, World War III started to bubble from the fathoms of incompetence when my empire directed its warring attention to Iran.  Russia protected Iran, and America protected my empire.  Finally, Nuclear war was inevitable.


      To state what happened is simply that America and Russia were annihilated and Iran was completely flattened.  The empire still remained yet it suffered from fallout and acid rain.  Those areas protected by the domes were safe and not subject to the second- degree mutation that occurred around them.  I consider the mutation process to be second degree because of the fact that the life forms were mutated once and that was during the creation of the humans.  This second degree was slightly different in the formation of giant insects and mutant humans in the form of crossbreeds which consisted of humans and reptiles combined to form anything less than dragons. 
    My family and friends were safe within various domed cities around the world.  I slept in a sleep chamber with Ankhesenamon sleeping in her own capsule only a few feet away.  The capsules are programmed to awaken the user at a specific time whenever summoned.  We were positioned in the tomb chamber beneath the pyramid at the M.C. Futura Mansion in the Hawaiian Islands, safe from destruction. 


(Chapter 22: Apocalypse):

        One hundred Earth years later, the ruler of my former empire who managed to escape unscathed by my security traps awakened us.  My body was still thirty-two years old although the equipment could not be used for deterring the aging of our bodies should we attempt to freeze ourselves again.  He addressed me as "Grand Emperor of the Past", probably a rank higher than his own.
    The future was cleansed from the radioactive fallout, which fell from the last World War.  The people no longer fought or had wars among themselves.  They learned that greed isn't a logical path in life and nor is violence.  They had perfected themselves from the wishes and dreams that I had programmed into the tomb's computers.  The people in general slightly resembled the aliens who drove their flying vehicles over Earth a long time ago.  They were partly bald, were thin and had mutant eyes that contained infra-red properties. 
    We were escorted to various points on Earth where prosperity ruled over tyranny, and areas that resembled the Garden of Eden, had that place actually existed.  We were informed that the humans had made contact and peaceful relations with life forms of other planets. 
    The ruler informed me that all the national religions of the world were united once again into the old Egyptian religion.  They did not necessarily worship animals but rather respected them, those that were left.  Since the Kemtic religion was the origin of all of the twentieth century religions, and that they were finally reunited,  I felt as if I no longer needed to bother with the dependent mutations in their prosperity.  They seemed to have mutated into dependent life forms rather than what they were when I ruled over them.  They continued to worship a deity, so they were still not perfect even if they did advance a little. 
    The entities discovered the art of time-travel, which made me wonder if they are indeed the aliens from the past who invaded with their flying disks.  A new Atlantis was rising on the horizon with multiple, intricate cities and much wealth collected for public use.  I imagined what type of space vehicles they used. . .  They did use something of the science fiction ideas, however.  It was like watching real science fictional starships float from out of a comic book whenever I observed their vehicles travel from the towering superstructures that they had built. 
    The pyramids, as I had foreseen, were reduced to dust or were hidden with layers of radioactive dust.  This just proves that nothing, no matter how much is put into a masterpiece, can last against time.  The domed cities were the only thing I accomplished that still remained on this torn-apart planet that I had sacrificed for.  

Copyright 2017 MJC

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