Thursday, July 13, 2017

UEIR stats 2017

Victories of the UEIR
United Egyptian Imperial-Republic
Copyright 2017 UEIR, All rights reserved

1. UEIR attacked Libya Chemical Weapons site in 1990.  CIA covered it up.
2. UEIR attacked the Ayatollah of Iran in 1989 via Egyptian Magic. He died within 1 week.
3. UEIR overthrew the USSR in 1991.  This happened after Eye of the Pharaoh was stolen in 1991 and read. The UEIR is mentioned in Chapter 20 of that book.  The Author was never paid for it despite earnings from illegal sales totaling $4 Trillion USD (According to CIA/FBI) via the International Black Market.
4. UEIR conquered USA in 1992.  USA surrendered on January 20, 1993. USA was told to advertise the UEIR, which it did from 1993-Trump Presidency(2017).  The UEIR is still being advertised now.
5. UEIR conquered Yugoslavia in 1992 (via political commentary in a newspaper).
6. UEIR conquered North Korea in Summer (July) 1994. This was done online. North Korea was then subjected to Drought and Famine for several years.
7. Indonesia was threatening the UEIR in late 1990s so they were hit by a Tsunami in 2004. 
8. Japan also had earthquakes because of name confusion of a UEIR Province.
9. The UEIR caused the Arab Spring Revolution due to a repeated condition of Chapter 20 of Eye of the Pharaoh. This also caused the Muslim Bros. to seize power in Egypt.
10. The UEIR caused the Egyptian Military to remove the Muslim Bros. from the Government in 2014. This was done via a UEIR blog entry (via Chronokinesis). 
11. The Caliphate was founded in 2014, fulfilling the "War on the Arab Terrorist States" and their destruction after 2017, in Chapter 20.  The UEIR is officially founded once that happens in Chapter 20, though the real UEIR already exists.

12. The UEIR conquered Iraq.

Other Actions of the UEIR:

1. The Kingdom of Niihau, a UEIR State, was officially founded on July 5, 2000 on Kauai Island by Consul M7 of Iapana Province, UEIR.  This is a Pharaocracy (Ruled by a Pharaoh), of Pharaoh Horus Michael (M7).
2. Iapana Province, East Pacific Rim, was founded in Summer 1994 by UEIR. It exists along the western USA and Pacific States.
3. The First Code Caesar (law code) was created in 1999 (in place of Time keeping error of 2000-2001).
4. The temporary Plebeian Law Code of 1996 was later inactivated with later editions of UEIR Laws.
5. The Kingdom of Niihau is comprised of islands: Niihau (2000), Lanai (2015), and Kahoolawe (2016). 
6. The UEIR majority is based in Duat/Egyptian Netherworld, with Angelic Police visiting both dimensions.
7. The UEIR founded the USA in 1776 (Freemasons).  This will eventually prepare for UEIR control.

Pharaoh M7,
UEIR 2017.

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