Tuesday, July 31, 2012

alt history

An Alternative History of Ancient Egypt by Ahmose Nebpehtyra
© Copyright 2012 Ahmose, All rights reserved.

Chapter 1: 10,000+ BCE

The Sahara Desert was once a lush rain forest populated by Black Africans until Invaders entered from the North and conquered it, bringing in with them a complex Civilization that became Egypt.  The rain forest was exploited for its rich resources, as with hunting, trees, and destructive farming practices that led to the formation of salt deposits and the later desert environment.  The Black African Natives were continuously pushed back to the South, in the tribes of Kush and Nubia; Nubia was later exploited by Egyptians for their rich gold deposits.  There was no “climate change” here, just Human activity.  Anyone knowledgeable about deforestation knows what happens to a rain forest that is exploited with carelessness.  The Copper Mines of Sinai Peninsula were also targets of exploitation, and the Egyptians were wasteful at that.  Once the land was dry and bare, the Egyptians were forced to live along the Nile River, controlling water use and measuring it with meters and Astronomical observations.  

This rain forest is evident by heavy rains that eroded the rock formations, one of which was carved into the Great Sphinx at Giza (later re-carved to look like a Pharaoh, with legs and paws of dried mud brick).  Heavy rains still occur in Egypt, on command of the Egyptian Weather Gods.  The first Egyptian Gods were represented by animal shapes, as shapes became their first written language.  The phonetic expressions attached to animals and birds became the spoken language, as well as bodily expressions or exertions.  To sneeze, or “Shu”, became the word for the Wind god Shu.  To spit out or Pth became the Creator God Ptah who spat out (uttered) the world into existence; the “H” was a twisted flax, symbolic of DNA Strands or Double-Helix, taken from the original advanced home of Egypt – the lost island of Atlantis.

The primordial mound of Egyptian Creation stories is an island surrounded by ocean (Nu; as in NU-clear).  This island was Atlantis.  Atlantis was destroyed by an accident in nuclear technology (Uranium was found in Egypt indicating an interest in early nuclear technology) so its people invaded neighboring Africa and took over in Egypt.  The death and rebirth of Osiris represents conversion of Uranium into Plutonium.  

Atlantean survivors entered Egypt and other lands and introduced Agriculture, or Farming techniques.  This happened at 10,000 BCE all over the world, as proof of Atlantis influence.  

Other aspects of Atlantis technology was the use of identical Pyramid technology, as found in Egypt, Peru, Mexico, and Babylon.  Monuments of stepped pyramids with stairs leading to the top are found in archaeological sites many hundreds of miles apart from separate cultures.  As no trade routes are known, the technology came from the same source – Atlantis. 
Atlantis is buried in the area known today as the Bermuda Triangle, an area that is “unsearchable and cannot be passed by” with modern ships or airplanes, just as the Greek Philosopher Plato related from Egyptian priests.  The Triangle is within Florida, the Caribbean, and Bermuda Island.  Some archaeologists “found underwater cities” in the Caribbean recently.  Atlantis is preserved in the technology in Egyptian religion and magical tools.   This area is beyond the Pillars of Herakles or the Strait of Gibraltar (Spain/Africa).

The word for Egypt was KEMT or KHMET, meaning “Dark” land.  This means something in Chemistry, as in the Dark Powder made with Chemicals; or Gunpowder.  Kemt had Sulfur from Sinai, coal or charcoal, and Potassium Nitrate from sea gulls to the North, and rock salt from the desert; ingredients for this Dark Powder.  The Chinese later developed it for fireworks.  The Egyptians used it to detonate Nuclear devices.  The Greeks had “Greek Fire” as their ‘secret weapon.’ Egyptian “tombs” are actually “bomb shelters” preparation.   Nuclear technology is a byproduct of Solar Worship, as the Sun is nuclear.

The Great Pyramid is a model of a Nuclear Reactor of Atlantis.  It is non-functioning (now).  Egyptians built many models of stone and other materials, for future reference.  The Egyptians used the crypt or tomb in the model to represent Osiris decaying into a form, and the belief in an afterlife as the tomb was inside an artificial mountain.  The Chinese also believed in an afterlife inside a mountain, as did the Mexicans (Mayans or Aztecs). Or the tomb was a cockpit to a model space craft, so star portals are built into the Pyramid to check the star positions outside.

© 2012 Ahmose / M7

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