Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why Luck is Energy...

Why a Novice is NOT a Master in using Ancient Egyptian Magic
Copyright © M7 2018 All rights reserved

You might think “This Magic stuff doesn’t work! I tried to win the Lottery and nothing worked!” If you feel this way and want a refund because you cannot perform at Master Level while still a Novice – take heed.  You are not a Master.  That and you are not developed enough to use CK-E Energy. 
If you go to a Gym and expect to be Mr. Universe after one session you are probably on the wrong planet.  Things take time and skill.  

The Lottery works or else people wouldn’t be winning.  Luck is Energy.  Not everyone uses it correctly.  Not everyone has this energy, though it permeates existence and is Solar in origin.  

Take Sun worship.  People worshipped the Sun – why? The Sun supports Life, and it has many elements in it – Ultra-violet Light, Radio Waves, Gamma Waves, Microwaves, Infra-Red, etc.  The Sun is 91% Hydrogen, and Water has Hydrogen, too.  In all cultures that are closest to the Sun have Polytheism and Magic, between the Equator and the Tropics.  It is thought that the reason is because Chronokinetic Energy exists there.  The more energy you have available, the more gods are worshiped.  In Hawaii it is called Mana, in Egypt it is Sakhem.  Ra the Sun God was the Creator of Magic.  Mana is found in the bone marrow of a person, where blood originates.  Mayans had blood sacrifice as offerings to their gods.  The Egyptian Ka Spirit emanates this energy; in the West this is called “Aura.”  Aura is radiation, or energy.  What does Energy feel like when it is inside your blood? It feels like Static Electricity coursing in your veins.  Except it isn’t Static Electricity.  Luck is defined as “the seemingly chance happening of events that affect someone” (Webster’s Dictionary).  Time is a sequence of events, which is fine because Chronokinesis is the ability to project events ahead of a current epoch, much like casting a fishing line in front of you. 

Take Gambling.  When you hold a pair of Dice in your hands and cast them away, and you call a number, and the Dice land on that number, what just happened? You just controlled the Fate of the Dice, or projected your will into the Future.  I witnessed this once on a Cruise Ship Casino in 1999.  Or if you shuffle a deck of cards, and distribute the cards in a game, your hand of cards has a sequence of possibility in your favor.  You call this Good Fortune or Luck.  I call this Positive Chronokinetic Energy.  

When I am charged with Energy whatever I read is dangerous. A sentence is a weapon, a paragraph can kill.  An ordinary book becomes an Ark of the Covenant.

In Ancient Egypt, water carried energy.  Holy Water was made of H2O with Natron salts, basically an ancient Battery.  They read a tablet to activate CK-E then poured water over it to carry the energy.  This energy-water cured illness, healed people, or was otherwise beneficial.  It was their Holy Grail.  Today much of anything Magical is ignored by Western Science, thus forgetting ancient discoveries.  It is shunned like some primitive toy or children’s idea of the Universe.  

That’s Science’s loss, not mine.  Science can predict Earthquakes.  I just cause them.  I also cause them by writing it and waiting a week for effect.
Energy can be positive or negative.  When everything seems to go wrong in a week – bad events occurring everywhere, this is caused by Negative CK-E, almost like the Curse of Tutankhamon.  The energy tells whatever it is in contact with to make negative events.  This is like negative thoughts bombarding a group of people so as to program them to do violence or emotions.  

Now angry Ka Spirits (Tutankhamon) generate Negative Energy.  So it is not a Curse, not exactly anyway.  He was happier when still buried with his junk, not while tourists enter his domain or insult his memory or vandalize stuff.
To quote the Bible, Jesus only started having powers once immersed in water for his ritual Baptism.  Then he splashes water on people, not for cleaning, but to charge them with energy to heal them with Positive CK-E.  Even his Holy Grail Cup used the radiation of his blood to heal with water when drunk; similar to the White Lotus cup of Tutankhamon.  Jesus became angry about a fig tree not having fruit so he cursed it; the tree was said to have withered up and died.  The Prophet Moses was good at Weather Manipulation.  Hydrogen may have something related to that.

The Gods are not blind.  They are sources of Energy and entities who govern the Universe.  There is an intelligence behind Nature.  Do you think everything is simply random like dice, until someone finds a way to control it? Then you’re too late.  

What we call Magic is Psychic Instinct.  All Life on Earth as some form of core programming system; development of this may be sudden or gradual, if sudden your mind may go through a trouble-sorting phase mostly seen as an illness or Psychosis, if gradual you may become profoundly Psychic.  Now a Novice won’t be able to cause grand events, but with time, patience and comprehension, you might surprise yourself. 

© M7 2018

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