Saturday, February 10, 2018

What does QRST mean?

What does Qrst mean?
Copyright © MJC/M7 2018
The Egyptian word QRST means “Burial” as in a Tomb.  The Greek word “Christos” from which we acquire the word “Christ” meant “Anointed” as in holy oils for preparation for burial.  The “Anointed” in Hebrew is “Messiah.”  The Egyptians practiced Mummification which is the “drying and anointing of the Dead for burial and for permanence in the Afterlife.”  Osiris was the First QRST; he was mummified (anointed and preserved) for the tomb.  The Egyptians wrapped the dried out corpse with linen bandages and anointed it with perfumed oils to stop decay.  The bandages resemble Osiris.  A shroud is placed in between the bandages to maintain the mummy’s shape.  When the Hebrews “lived in Egypt” they saw the mummy and its shroud with anointing oils.  This is preserved in “Hebrew burial customs.”  The Hebrews wanted their own Christ, or Egyptian Mummy, so they invented this belief in their religion. 

Jesus is called the Christ because he was buried in a tomb.  Yet his tomb is empty.  That is if you accept the Christian religion.  The real Jesus Christ was an Egyptian Pharaoh named DJED-KA-RA IESESI of the 5th Dynasty Egypt.  This is the only historical person I could find that has the Trinity as part of his name, and his name closely resembles JESUS when spelled in Latin as IESUS.  The Trinity is “The Father, The Son (or Christ) and the Holy Spirit.”  Djed means stability, but is the Djed Pillar where Osiris was first buried into (when his coffin washed up on the shores of Phoenicia and was entangled in a Cedar or Pine tree, the tree was cut down for use as a pillar for a local King), so Djed in this case means QRST.  Ra is the Solar God, an ancestor or Father of Osiris.  Ka means the Holy Spirit, or spiritual counterpart of the body.  Djed-Ka-Ra was buried in a Pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt.  His corpse was found in Modern times. 

The Baptism of Jesus was actually a form of Mummification process of immersion into a salt solution of Natron.  Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, which empties into the very salty Dead Sea.  Jesus lingered after his resurrection for 40 days, the process of mummification lasts 40 days.  Resurrection may mean the rising of the corpse from the Natron salt solution.  The Natron immersion was from the Old Kingdom era or Pyramid Age.  Jesus as an Egyptian Pharaoh had titles like “Son of God” (Son of Ra), “The Good God” (NFR-NTR), “King of Kings”, or the “Good Shepherd.”  He “washed peoples’ feet” which means a hieroglyph for Purity.  He was born in a Manger in Bethlehem.  The Manger may be a reference to his first appearance in a Mastaba tomb, and Bethlehem means “House of Bread” in Hebrew, or “offerings chamber of a tomb.”  
Copyright © MJ COSTA/M7 2018, All rights reserved.  

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